Levels of civilization and the status of the civilization on planet Earth

Without knowing it, mankind has been on a civilization jump for a 1/4 millennium. This must now be completed as quickly as possible with the urgently needed planet renovation.

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00:00 Start
00:15 Why have a civilization at all?
00:30 Having no civilization was deadly
00:58 Level 0: Helpless like a baby
02:13 Example strong solar storm
03:50 Civilization jump since 1/4 millennium unnoticed
05:12 Level 1: Can handle immediate problems
06:26 Planet renovation until 350 ppm CO2 is restored
07:26 Level 2: Moving planets around
09:28 The beginnings of all the necessary techniques already exist
11:47 Level 3: Surviving wild changes in the sun
12:46 Level 4: The journey to the red dwarf
15:14 Level 5: Surviving the end of a universe
16:08 Level 6: Finding answer to the 2 ultimate questions
17:59 Level 7: Participate in the creation of the universe
19:16 Association for the promotion of infinitism
20:55 End

  Helpless as a baby

No matter whether a civilization has just invented a bow and arrow or can destroy an entire city at once with a hydrogen bomb, the decisive question is

“Could all disasters that led to mass extinctions in the last billion years be averted?”

If the answer to this question is “no”, then it is civilization level 0 “helpless as a baby”.

If today an astronomer would discover an asteroid, size like the one 66 million years ago, impact in 2 years, what could mankind do? Unlike some Hollywood movies, absolutely nothing. Mankind would be helpless as a baby.

  self-caused disasters count too

The first master thesis for the civilization level “Can solve immediate problems” could be the necessary planetary renovation for prevention of climate catastrophe.

  technique present, awareness missing

Beyond immediate problems, there are also long-term problems. Problems that will not become critical in one or a hundred years, but only in 500,000,000 years. This long-term problem would be the increase in energy from the sun. Named after the solution, this level of civilization is called “moving planets around”.

Even for this level of civilization, all technical prerequisites are available in the first approaches, as this scientific work proves. All that is missing is consciousness.

Obstacles on the way to a real civilisation Obstacles on the way to a real civilisation
Technology and natural sciences very good plus politics and economics not enough minus What is preventing humanity from becoming a real civilization?

          Levels of civilization and the status of the civilization on planet Earth: Without knowing it, mankind has been on a civilization jump for a 1/4 millennium. This must now be completed as quickly as possible with the urgently needed planet renovation. https://civilization.pege.org/

          The tasks of a civilization and the capabilities of a civilization required for them described in a pre-civilization level and 7 civilization levels https://civilization.pege.org/

          What is the transition from a pre-civilization to a proper civilization? The skills needed for each of the 7 levels of civilization. https://civilization.pege.org/

          Is man really a pest or does he have tasks that we strictly refuse to perform at the moment because we prefer to believe in a quick end than in an infinite future? https://civilization.pege.org/